#Dinamo2012 team led by Mikalai Krukau went to Moscow for the 2nd International FSM Challenge CUP, which will be held from May 17 to 19 at the Luzhniki Olympic Complex. The organizer of the tournament is one of the oldest Russian academies "Football School of Youth". Teams from Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Kazakhstan will also take part in the competition.
According to the results of the draw, the blue-whites got into group G with the teams Strogino, Volgar and Arsenal. It should be noted that after the first match day, Dinamo took first place in the standings of their group with two wins and one defeat.
You can follow the results and broadcasts on the official page of FSM CUP in Vkontaket.
We look forward to new victories from our guys and wish the team good luck in the tournament.