We are pleased to announce that the Belarusian brand of men's clothing "PIZHON" and "Dinamo-Minsk" have signed a cooperation agreement: the brand becomes the official partner of the club.
The main goals of "Pizhon" are the popularization of fashion in the country, the improvement of our society, charity and social projects. Also, one of the key tasks of the brand is to support and promote the popularization of Belarusian sports, and therefore the company decided to cooperate with Dinamo-Minsk.
The first joint project of the club and the brand will be direct cooperation with the head coach of "Dinamo-Minsk": for the home matches of the team, Artsiom Chaliadinski will choose one of the images of "Pizhon", distinguished by quality, uniqueness of products, innovative spirit and bright sense of style.
"I am glad to meet and cooperate with the "Pizhon" men's clothing brand," commented Artsiom Cheliadzinski, head coach of the team. - This season, fans will be able to see a coach wearing something other than sportswear. I hope that "Pizhon" will become more recognizable among our fans".
Link to the official website: PIZHON.BY