Friendly matches of "Dinamo-BSUPC": results

Last week "Dinamo-BSUPC" held two friendly matches against the champion of Ukraine - Kharkiv "Zhilstroy-1".
In the first match, our girls managed to beat their opponents with a score of 2-1. Karyna Alkhovik scored the double in the match. Basanskaya scored among the guests (from the penalty spot).
Dinamo-BSUPC squad:
- Ulasevich, Vulania Dabda, Novikava (player on preview, 46), Ndzana Feg, Kazakevich, Cisse, Ramalepe (Valiuk, 58), Pilipenka, Linnik, Shlapakova, Alkhovik.
In the second match, the victory remained with "Zhilstroy-1". The only goal scored by Sadikoglu.
"Dinamo-BSUPC" squad:
- Muntyanu, Vulania Dabda (Ramalepe, 49), Novikava, Ndzana Feg, Kazakevich, Cisse, Pilipenka, Linnik, Shlapakova (Stsiazhko, 56), Alkhovik, Valiuk (player on preview, 35 - Duben, 52).
Общее фото: С.Татьков